Our Mission

We desire to have a relationship with God, know His word, and strengthen & encourage each other.  We will accomplish this by studying the Bible, praying for one another, and enjoying relationships with those that come into our presence – whether it’s for a moment or every class.


During Sunday School and Wednesday nights, we teach from the Gospel Project. It’s a 3-year study from Genesis to Revelation and points out how Jesus Christ is the central focus of all scripture. During Sunday Night Live we allow the students to ask any questions they may have. We answer by pointing them towards scripture and what the Bible says.

We believe prayer is one of our most underutilized tools as a Christian. We routinely ask and visit with the students about prayer requests and praises. We utilize 3’x5′ boards and write those requests on it. We draw a line through the requests when God answers our prayers. Thus, giving us a visual aid of God’s presence in our lives.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared during every class!

We attend the following activities: Winter Jam, Young Christian’s Weekend in Silver Dollar City, Ignite Youth Conference in Iowa (for our youth leaders & peer leaders), VBS, Hands of Hope mission trip, sharing the Gospel & our testimonies in the Baptist tent at the State Fair, Youth Revivals, and Extreme Winter in Branson. The youth are asked to serve during our church wide Valentine’s dinner and church clean-up days.

Youth Group includes 6th-12th grades. Bus rides available if needed to attend.



Sunday School – 8:50 am
Sunday Night Live – 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm


Youth Group – 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Contact Information:

Jason Hoover, Youth Director at Calvary Baptist Church